Our School Day


Late last week I received an email from a new homeshool mom asking “what does your typical school day look like” I responded and headed off to bed. The next morning my inbox was filled with emails from other homeschool moms asking similar questions. Over the last week a few moms have reached out and asked if I would “PLEASE” write a post on the following: Our Typical Day, Our Curriculum, Our School Room and last but not least, Our School Day! I was thrilled! Here is my first installment: Our Typical day…


For most days this is typical…but in all honesty there are days when our school day flows into the 4 o’clock hour {not my favorite days} these are usually the days following an extra long weekend, vacation, holidays, or when the kids are not feeling well. Then there are the days when we are done with school by lunch! Bible study…DONE, Math, Reading, Spelling, Writing….ALL DONE, Science & History…DONE!!! Ahhhh those days are so wonderful and not terribly often in our home, maybe 4-6 times a month! Please note: our kiddos have breaks during the “green” school day! Sometimes a kids needs a break 😉

Notice “Family Time” we are VERY family focused in our home. My husband {The Business Analyst} works from home most days a week so “family time” takes place if a subject is finished early or honestly if we just feel like our kiddos need it! Family Time is playing a board game, going for a walk, playing Mario Kart on the wii or all of the above…or left!

So there it is a VERY basic schedule. It works for us!

Smiles and Blessings

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